Guide to Services
The Guide to Services provides an up-to-date listing of reference diagnostic services that are provided free of charge by the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Information including patient criteria, specimen requirements, accompanying documentation, and turnaround times can also be found.
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Divisions and Laboratories
Bacterial Pathogens, AMR and Wastewater
Enteric Diseases
Health Security and Response
Mycobacteriology, Vector-borne and Prion Diseases
Sexually Transmitted and Bloodborne Infections
Viral Diseases
Lab Epidemiology Support Services
Where an NML lab programme is providing reference testing services, epidemiology support (e.g., survey design, sampling advice, analysis) may be requested from the Laboratory Surveillance and Epidemiology section. Lab epi support can be discussed by contacting:
Phone #: (204) 784-5981
Canadian COVID Genomics Network (CanCOGeN)
The Canadian COVID Genomics Network (CanCOGeN) is partnering with the CPHLN (CPHLN-CanCOGeN) to perform large-scale genome sequencing and analysis of Canadian SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes to understand, track and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. For sample submission support please contact:
Phone #: (204) 789-6047
National Microbiology Laboratory MALDI-TOF Spectral Libraries (NMSL)
The National Microbiology Laboratory MALDI-TOF Spectral Libraries (the NMSL) are mass spectrometer data libraries developed at the National Microbiology Laboratory to support our public health partners in the identification of rare, novel and high-consequence bacterial pathogens that may not be present in commercially available libraries.
PHAC Programs and PHAC Affiliated Programs External to the NML
Emergency Contact Information
The Operations Centre Director is the NML's primary point of contact for externally-referred emergency/non-emergency situations related to infectious diseases or biological agents, regardless of the time of day. The Operations Centre Director is available 24/7:
Phone #: 1-866-262-8433
The NML values client feedback. For questions, comments or concerns regarding services provided, please contact the NML Quality Office. Any complaints received will be acknowledged, validated, and investigated, with the outcome communicated to the complainant.
Phone #: (204) 789-7623