<<Return to Laboratory*Accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to Laboratory no. 594 (ISO/IEC 17025)
Requisition Forms
Reference Details
Serotyping of Salmonella spp.
- Gastroenteritis
- Salmonellosis
Isolate from urine, stool, blood, environmental, food, other.
Isolate provided on appropriate culture medium for Salmonella.
Send as growth on appropriate culture medium or in appropriate transport medium. Culture vessel should be leak-proof or sealed appropriately.
Shipping of specimens shall be done by a TDG certified individual in accordance with TDG regulations. For additional information regarding classification of specimens for the purposes of shipping, consult either Part 2 Appendix 3 of the TDG Regulations or section 3.6.2 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations as applicable.
Envoyer sur un milieu de culture ensemencé ou sur un milieu de transport approprié. Le récipient de culture doit être étanche ou adéquatement scellé.
Completed Division of Enteric Diseases requisition form.
Salmonella in silico typing resource (SISTR) (primary)*(1)
Agglutination assay (secondary/confirmatory)*
Note: All Salmonella isolates will be referred for whole genome sequencing and in silico serotype prediction. If traditional serotyping is required, please ensure that this test is specified on the Division of Enteric Diseases requisition form.
- Yoshida CE, Kruczkiewicz P, Laing CR, Lingohr EJ, Gannon VPJ, Nash JHE, et al. (2016) The Salmonella In Silico Typing Resource (SISTR): An Open Web-Accessible Tool for Rapidly Typing and Subtyping Draft Salmonella Genome Assemblies. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147101.
21 calendar days. Note: Turnaround times for routine isolates may be extended during major foodborne outbreak activities or due to limited availability of resources.