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Virulence Gene Detection

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K1 antigen detection in Escherichia coli.

Test Category:
Molecular Detection
Escherichia coli
Illnesses and Diseases:
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Septicaemia
  • Bacteraemia
  • Neonatal meningitis

Isolate from urine, stool, blood, environmental, food, other.

Collection Method:

Isolate provided on appropriate culture medium for E. coli.

Specimen Processing, Storage and Shipping:

Send as growth on appropriate culture medium or in appropriate transport medium.  Culture vessel should be leak-proof or sealed appropriately.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods:

Shipping of specimens shall be done by a TDG certified individual in accordance with TDG regulations. For additional information regarding classification of specimens for the purposes of shipping, consult either Part 2 Appendix 3 of the TDG Regulations or section 3.6.2 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations as applicable.


Patient Criteria:

Gastroenteritis, septicemia, neonatal meningitis, bacteraemia, infection, other.

Accompanying Documentation:

Completed Enteric Diseases Program requisition form.



Methods and Interpretation of Results:

PCR amplification of neuC (K1-specific gene).

Turnaround Time:

21 calendar days. Note: Turnaround times for routine isolates may be extended during major foodborne outbreak activities or due to limited availability of resources.

Phone #: (204) 789-6009
Fax: (204) 789-5012
  1. Kaczmarek et al. 2014. Detection of K1 antigen of Escherichia coli rods isolated from pregnant women and neonates. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 59 (2): 419-422.